
This material is equivalent to NIST SRM 2065 and similar to other NIST references SRM 2035a and b. It is suitable for qualifying the wavelength scale of UV, Visible and NIR spectrophotometers over the range 335 nm to 1945 nm.

Description and Discussion

Glass filter containing a combination of oxides of rare earths holmium, samarium, ytterbium, neodymium, lanthanum and other elements. Variations from melt to melt of the glass can cause small uncertainties in peak position, so each Starna filter is individually certified. Sliding window covers protect the surface from damage when not in use. This material is equivalent to NIST SRM 2065 and similar to other NIST references NIST 2035a and b. The spectrum provides 20 peaks for wavelength calibration, evenly-spaced between 335 nm in the UV and 1945 nm in the NIR, so that instruments can now be qualified over this wide range using a single reference.


Typical spectra

Approximate peak wavelength values (in nm) are: 335, 345, 361, 375, 386, 402, 418, 485, 538, 583, 642, 748, 804, 976, 1076, 1151, 1222, 1366, 1469, 1945 Note: The above values are for guidance only. Because the absorption bands are asymmetric, measured values will be spectral bandwidth dependent. The Calibration Certificate accompanying each Reference gives actual values measured at bandwidths of 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00 and 5.00nm, and only these certified values should be used for instrument qualification. On request, Starna can provide certified values at other wavelengths and bandwidth values.


Catalogue Number

  Catalogue  Number

Starna wide range wavelength reference
